{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "E911_NENA_SC", "guid": "85BF6F2B-603A-4E97-ADCD-CB36D6F6EDBB", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "County Streets centerlines for ArcGIS Online published into AGOL Group in WGS 1984 Projection. Republished on 11/9/2023 from updated SQL 2019 Enterprise GDB to gis.yavapaiaz.gov (Dmz19). Data is updated daily using several processes including FME workspace, python and or geodatabase replication. The scale range for the data is set not to display out beyond 1,500,000, no enabled label class is published but disabled StdNameLabels class exists with map scale range out to 50,000.", "description": "
ArcGIS Online Service of the NENA street centerline in web Mercator projection (WGS_1984 WKID: 4326). Data is a combination of city and county as updates are provided. This data is reprocessed into NENA format through a post-process script ran nightly. The data has some definition queries applied in the nightly post-processing script therefore if you use this data regularly and see missing information, please contact the County GIS Department to report issues. Some fields are not Next Generation 911 Schema format but are necessary such as STD_NAME for semi-annual ESRI Community Maps contributions. Republished on 11/9/2023 from updated 2019 Enterprise GDB.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "County Streets centerlines for ArcGIS Online published into AGOL Group in WGS 1984 Projection. Republished on 11/9/2023 from updated SQL 2019 Enterprise GDB to gis.yavapaiaz.gov (Dmz19). Data is updated daily using several processes including FME workspace, python and or geodatabase replication. The scale range for the data is set not to display out beyond 1,500,000, no enabled label class is published but disabled StdNameLabels class exists with map scale range out to 50,000.",
"title": "E911_NENA_SC",
"tags": [
"Yavapai County",
"Road Centerlines",
"type": "Map Service",
"typeKeywords": [
"ArcGIS Server",
"Map Service",
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png",
"url": "",
"extent": [
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308,
"spatialReference": "GCS_WGS_1984",
"accessInformation": "Yavapai County GIS Department",
"licenseInfo": " Yavapai County Street Centerlines align into Next Generation 911 Schema format and use in OpenData. Some fields are not Next Generation 911 Schema format but are necessary for other agencies needs. Some NENA fields are parsed as they should be but it is a work in progress. Please email yavgis@yavapaiaz.gov for details.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV>"