Transmittal Report: Created by AutoCAD eTransmit Friday, December 17, 2010, 10:41 AM. Drawing: This is a transmittal based on 7841-100-YEAR-FLOOD-PLAIN.dwg. Files: Root Drawing: 7841-100-YEAR-FLOOD-PLAIN.dwg AutoCAD Drawing (External) References: 7841-500-YEAR-FLOOD-PLAIN.dwg 7841-CD-CROSS_SECTIONS_100YR.dwg The following files were excluded from the transmittal: acad.fmp Fonts\simplex.shx Fonts\txt.shx Fonts\ltypeshp.shx Fonts\x-hlvl1d.shx Fonts\ARIALN.TTF Fonts\HELVLTOU.SHX Fonts\arial.ttf Fonts\AECCLAND.shx Fonts\MTCORSVA.TTF The following files could not be located: PlotCfgs\WRG-FULL.ctb PlotCfgs\DWF6 ePlot.pc3 Notes for distribution: .DWG external reference files: External reference (xref) paths may be present. Make sure these paths work or that the root drawing is using the correct references. eTransmit does not include files required by xrefs unless they are also required by the root drawing. In particular, plot style tables and overlay xrefs that are not used by the root drawing are omitted The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to: C:\wrgc3d\fonts\simplex.shx Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font. *** Map 2007 Data and Cache files *** The drawing 'W:\4077841008\Communication\Outgoing\FEMA\2010-12-17 TDN CD\AutoCAD\7841-100-YEAR-FLOOD-PLAIN.dwg' refers to a cache manifest XML file, zero or more cache files (.GWS) as well as raw data files. Please ensure the manifest XML file and cache files are unzipped to the drawing directory or your current MapCache directory. You may also need to update the cache manifest XML file to point to the unzipped location of the data files.