***This model has been prepared to support Interstate 17 site specific hydraulic analysis within the left overbank and downstream of the north bound interstate alignment. This model provides results that have been used in combination with the VRFHA model for development of the final floodplain mapping in the area respectively. Floodplain Redelineation Project for Yavapai County Flood Control District, Arizona. (Verde River Flood Hazard Assessment) Prepared for: Flood Control District Administrator: Charlie Cave, P.E. Yavapai County Flood Control District Marina Street Annex 500 South Marina Street Prescott, Arizona 86303 YCFD Project Number: FC0139 Prepared by: HDR Engineering, Inc. 3200 East Camelback Road, Suite #350 Phoenix, Arizona 85018 (602) 522-7700 http://www.hdrinc.com/ HDR Project Number: 114474 Model Finalized: January 7, 2011 Model Vertical Datum: North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 1988 HDR Model Authors: Project Manager: Mark Forest, P.E., mark.forest@hdrinc.com Lead Hydraulic Designer: Mark Fountain, EIT, CFM mark.fountain@hdrinc.com Model prepared utilizing HEC-RAS Version 4.1 Model Pre and Post Processing prepared in ArcInfo 9.2, HEC-GeoRAS Version 4.2.92 and HEC-RAS Mapper. Study Limits: Upstream: Interstate 17, North bound alignment (later weir control) Downstream: Verde River cross section 70768