Account Number | Internal Assessors Software account number unique to each real property. | |
Parcel Number | Parcel without dashes and without a check digit
(used in treasurer's Office parcel numbers). |
Status Code | Showing Active accounts | |
Building ID | The number of assessed improvements on the parcel |
Model Type | Improvement Type Id |
Story Count | Number of stories of the structure which is an average of 8 | feet per story for a residential property. |
Basement | Floor area fully below grade. |
Improvement Total Floor Area (Sq Ft) |
Total livable square feet of entire structure, livable space |
Construction Year |
This is considered the year the building was constructed. |
Improvement number |
Id of each improvement on each real property. |
Improvement Quality |
Improvement Quality |
Model Type Description |
Improvement Description |
Property Type |
General classification how the property is used. |
Improvement Square Feet | Total livable square feet. Note: this may be different than total floor area in cases where a single structure is constructed over multiple parcels. | |
Total Floor Area (Sq Ft) | Total livable square feet of entire structure. |
Last update time stamp | GIS updated date to the database from Assessor tables. |
Condo Improvement Percent | For parcels where a single improvement extends beyond a single parcel, condo improvment percent indicates the percentage of the improvement within a parcel boundary line. |
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