Parcel ID Check Digit
Owner's Mailing Address

Secondary Owner
Recorded Date
Last Transfer Doc Docket Last Transfer Doc Page
Physical Address Incorporated Area
Assessor Acres Subdivision    Subdivision Type
School District Fire District
Improvements () Local Zoning 

Starting with the 2015 tax year, the Limited Property Value is the only value considered for taxation purposes, the Full Cash Value is no longer used for taxation.

Tax Year 2026 2025
Assessed Value(ALV)
Limited Value(LPV)
Full Cash(FCV) 
Legal Class
Assessment Ratio % %
Usage Code
Tax Area Code 2024 Taxes Billed
tax show tax pie chart 
Recorded Documents & Sales ()
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By using this website, the user knowingly assumes all risk of inaccuracy and waives any and all claims for damages against Yavapai County and its officers and employees that may arise from the use of this data and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Yavapai County and its officers and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law. By using this website, the user also agrees that data and use of this website may not be used for commercial purposes.
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