A variety of property searches are available through the Interactive Map including:
parcels, subdivisions, addresses, and owner name. Additionally, location-based searches
are provided including: cities and towns, college district, election district, fire
district, lat/long, legislative district, judicial district, rivers and streams,
road name, sanitary district, school district, section/township/range, sheriff district,
supervisor district, and water district.
Find these searches on the Search Tab.
Search Results: When a parcel has been found or identified, additional options
are available:
View on map - This command will open a new window showing your property on
a map with a variety of layers and additional tools.
Similar Properties - This command opens up a new window showing similar properties
of the selected parcel. Note that this option is only available for property containing
residential improvements.
History - This command displays the history, if any, of the selected parcel.
Hyperlinks - This command provides you with direct URLs to the selected parcel.
These URLs may be sent via e-mail or used externally.
Print - This command opens up a new window with a printable parcel information
sheet that includes a small map view.